Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Home » Uncategorized » FINDING RC JETS FOR SALE


RC jets come in all shapes and sizes; from electric (EDF) to jet-A guzzling turbine models.  Many electric models are available from hobby shops and online in a ready-to-fly (RTF) form or almost-ready-to-fly (ARF).  If you are looking to get into RC jets then you can acquire a brand new electric model for a couple hundred dollars.  However if you are looking for a turbine model then it is a whole new world.  Buying a kit and properly building it requires a lot of skill.  If even the smallest detail is overlooked it could mean disaster at the flying field.  One thing you can consider if you are looking to get into a higher-end jet is to look for RC jets for sale online.

One of the largest gathering places that I am aware of online for high-end jet jocks is the rcuniverse.com website.  I was just looking at their marketplace in the “jet” category and there were quite a few high-end RC jets for sale that range from a couple thousand to twenty thousand dollars or more.   Most of these jets have been build and flown by seasoned RC jet pilots.  Of course, buyer beware, as you should always look closely at what you are considering purchasing, especially when it is something as expensive and technical as a RC turbine jet.

Another thing to consider is that not just anyone can buy and fly a turbine jet.  The Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) requires you to get a turbine jet waiver and be instructed and signed off by an AMA certified jet pilot.  But assuming you already did that are looking for RC jets for sale, then the RCUniverse.com website is one place to look.  The link to the RC jets for sale section is: http://www.rcuniverse.com/market/category.cfm?catID=12.

If you are looking for an exhilarating time at the controls, then there is no doubt that an RC jet is going to get your blood pumping.  There are hundreds of electric EDF models on the market from companies like Hobbico and Horizon Hobbies and many others.  Once you get your stick time in on an EDF and you decide to move toward turbine models, then looking for RC jets for sale online is a great way to get a fully-functioning jet that is built and ready to fly.  Of course you can always build your own!